Dr. Tsiknakis is the Scientific Director of ACGT and Principal Investigator and Leader of the Center for eHealth Technologies at the Biomedical Informatics Laboratory of the Institute of Computer Science at FORTH. His research interests include Intelligent Health Information Integration, Medical Informatics and eHealth, Distributed Architectures for Health Information Networks, HealthGRIDs, Component-based Software Engineering, and Socio-economic aspects of Health Telematics and eHealth services.
Several institutes and research groups of FORTH (www.forth.gr) are involved in the ACGT research activities. Namely, the Biomecical Informatics and the Information Systems Laboratories of Institute of Computer Science (www.ics.forth.gr), the Post-genomics laboratory of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (www.imbb.forth.gr) and the Biological engineering and systems biology Group at the Institute of Chemical Engineering and High Temperature Chemical Processes (http://www.iceht.forth.gr/) .